I L has partnered with Procure Tiger for valuation of Salvage material through online bidding process available on your Mobile devices. ILEAUCTIONS helps to generate best quote for Salvage material and it permits any individual, dealers, brokers who are looking for salvage material at affordable price. All the type of material including two wheelers, four wheelers, trucks, commercial vehicles, metal scrap, electronic items, etc across India are showcased on this platform.
ILEAUCTIONS transforms your vehicle bidding experience with help of below features.
• Plan your bidding through auction listing (live & future auctions).
• Listing of forward auctions through which you can view auction brief and key configurations.
• Get accurate details through pictures of vehicles.
• You can submit your bid for the auction you are interested and even you can shortlist vehicles of your choice and bid for the same.
• You can view auction result on real time basis.
• After successful bid submission, you can see your rank and bid placed by you.
• A bid strategy that allows you to set your own bid amounts to control your maximum cost.
• You can manage your bids irrespective of geographic location.
All you need to do is to download ILEAUCTIONS mobile app and bid for preferred vehicle. User ID & password is shared post completion of registration. For any questions/suggestions/feedback, please write us icicilombard@auctiontiger.net